You’ve been looking for a lodge in and around Harare or have booked the perfect holiday at one. Time has flown since you secured your accommodation and you find that it’s now time to get ready to go. Getting ready for any holiday can be quite stressful, and you usually never know where to begin. What do you need to take and what can you leave behind? It can get pretty stressful, which is why we’ve put together a few things you can do to prepare yourself for your trip to Zimbabwe.
Take Care Of Your Health
Going to any new country requires you to be up to date on all your vaccinations. In Zimbabwe, you need to get vaccinations against hepatitis A and Typhoid. Getting these vaccinations will ensure that you’re protected from potential contaminants in food and water, which you need to take precaution against no matter where you are.
Before going on your trip, it’s important to be in contact with your doctor. Your doctor may recommend that you take medication before and after your trip as a defence against malaria as an additional measure. It is always important to consult with your doctor before any trip because your needs may vary depending on the country you are traveling from and the country you are traveling to and according to your health conditions.
Pack For Pleasure
The majority of planning your trip entails packing and repacking. What you take with you greatly influences how you will enjoy a trip, and we all know how much it can ruin your trip realising that you’ve forgotten something. Zimbabwe is a hot country, and you’ll need to pack clothing that will keep you cool and well protected from the hot sun. Pack clothes for the activities that you plan on doing and don’t forget sunblock or insect repellent creams to keep you comfortable.
Zimbabwe holds many glorious gems for you to discover on your holiday. Follow our packing advice and make Willow Lodge your home away from home and you’ll be guaranteed enjoyment for every minute of your stay.
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